Northwood Pursuit

On 06-24-2018 at approximately 2120 hours the Worth County Sheriff’s Office assisted the Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office, Albert Lea Police Department, and Iowa State Patrol in a high speed pursuit which originated in Albert Lea. The suspect vehicle lead law enforcement southbound on Interstate 35, eastbound on Highway 105 to Northwood. Once the pursuit entered Northwood the suspect vehicle drove down many residential streets and then left town Northbound on Hwy 65 into Minnesota. Below is a notification released earlier today on the Worth County Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page.
Attention residents of Northwood:
The Worth County Sheriff's Office is asking for your assistance. Late last night (6-24-18) there was a high speed chase that passed through Northwood. Attached is a map of the route the vehicle took. We are asking if you live along this route to keep an eye out for anything suspicious (firearm, drugs, ect) and to contact the Worth County Sheriff's Office immediately at 641-324-2481. We ask that you DO NOT touch any items found, call the office IMMEDIATELY.